Really Cool Moth Story
I was talking to my wife on the phone one night with the windows slightly ajar since it was hot out. As we talked I kind of heard this thumping and thought nothing of it. All of sudden there was a huge flying object on the ceiling.
I wasn't sure if it was a bat or a moth but finally decided it was a moth. How it got in was another question.
After beating itself on the ceiling for a while it finally flopped down exhausted on the top of a bookcase at the other end of the room.
Next day
The next day I took a look around on top of the bookcase and found the moth (a polyphemus moth) with a wingspan of about 8 inches!
Sure enough there was a small gap at the top of the window where he'd somehow beaten hard enough to pop out the screen from the frame.
Anyway, I figured I'd wait a day or two and maybe either mount him or just at least toss him out before he smelled.
Second day
I came back from lunch the second day and start working when I heard this whoosh from the window and thought ??? I looked and somehow the moth which I thought was dead was not only not dead but had somehow found the little gap in the screen at the top and was waiting patiently at the bottom. I opened the window and he flew out.